The World's Greatest Animation
A whirlwind tour of first-class animated shorts, The World's Greatest Animation assembles, for the first time, an eye-popping assortment of Academy Award winners and nominees from the years 1978-90. From the Orwellian vision of zoo life Creature Comforts, to Crac!, a rocking chair's impressionistic view of the industrialization of Montréal, The World's Greatest Animation features some of the finest achievements in this unique art form.
- Country :
- Genre : Animation
- Director : Christoph Lauenstein, Will Vinton, Cordell Barker, Ferenc Rófusz, Frédéric Back, Bill Plympton, Wolfgang Lauenstein, Børge Ring, Eugene Fedorenko, Bill Kroyer, Eunice Macaulay, Nick Park, Richard Condie, Jimmy Picker, John Weldon, Zbigniew Rybczyński, Nicole Van Goethem, Jon Minnis
- Cast :